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Less is more than you could ever imagine!

Makeup. It's fun and girly. However, like every other obsession, when used obsessively, makeup can cause deadly reactions from passerby curious eyes! We are all guilty of the overdone makeup look! Especially if you are a makeup fan and doing your makeup makes you actually feel all happy and jittery inside! Like Judy herself once said: "Natural is beautiful but makeup is glam!" I personally have various drawers full of it and I keep buying and buying more! Soon my boyfriend will have a heart attack! And that's why it's ironic when I say that sometimes all you really need is a little bit of lip balm and some fun at the beach for that sun tan look! So where I'm getting at, if you didn't already see it coming: The natural beauty look will be popular not just during the summer but all year round for as long as makeup exists! DUH! In order to prevent its arch enemy, the fake look, it is safer to always go natural!

The natural look not only enhances your inner beauty but it will also prevent you from looking too overdone. Even celebs like the very beautiful Kim Kardashian wear abundant amounts of makeup that usually tend to accentuate the imperfections instead of making her look as beautiful as she really is! Don't get me wrong, I believe makeup to be truly an art. You can turn into anything or anyone, if that's what you wanted. But like anything else, its use needs to be respected so that it can really work wonders on you! Natural makeup paired with a cute floral maxi dress or perhaps a peachy flowing top with perfect fit skinny jeans is the best look I would envision on someone who loves to rock the natural look! Either way, the natural look is like a black dress! It goes with everything and any kind of style... 

So hopefully after reading this you will be automatically motivated to wipe your face of all that makeup and re-do it all over again exactly the same way but with much less... what word am I looking for? Intensity! When people look at you now, they will see you! As you are and as you were meant to be, a natural beauty!

Just go to a dermatologist already!

Ever since I first got acne, 12 years ago, I have been trying products everywhere. I believed in the trial and error system and it has been working fine for me! From Proactive to Murad to Nature's Cure. They all worked for a while, then I'd have to replace them with something new as my skin would become resistant to their effects. But never had I used anything that worked this fast! My answer: I finally visited a dermatologist. The consult lasted a mere 13 minutes of my life. He jotted down a prescription medicine and a face watch product on his prescription notes and I was on my way over to the pharmacy! I thought: "That was simple! Why had it taken me this long?"

I don't know! Maybe because I'm scared of going into any doctor's office or hospital to begin with. Don't even get me started on the gynecologist. That'll take me another blog post on its own to carefully explain  the events of that first meeting! However, I'm describing my visit to my now dermatologist, the one who has changed my life.

I finally decided to go. I went since my skin had broken out because of these birth control pills I had been using! I'll cut to the chase, a dermatologist and any other doctor out there know what they're doing with perfection, so why be scared?

I've been using a benzoyl peroxide wash and a Clindamycin Phosphate gel on my face for a week now and I haven't seen my skin this clear ever! And it cleared up so fast! I now will continue trusting the dermatologist  with my skin for as long as I live! I am a believer! So... if you are also suffering from skin problems, just go to the dermatologist already. You will be amazed with the results!


What is love?

What is love? And this question... It will be asked time and time again! The fact is that humans are the only beings lucky enough to actually know it exists! The reality is that there will be many different answers for this question! We don't all love the same way...

To me, love is when you give a part of yourself to someone else and risk never getting it back! We are gregarious beings. No matter how badly you think you like being alone or how much you enjoy your space, we need companionship! Love is the feeling that emerges when such companionship is... what is the word I am looking for? Effective?

How can companionship be effective then?? That question also has too many answers... But you will know when! It's when that person adds to your happiness! And sometimes you can only reach happiness when you have gone through something so terrible that you are able to recognize the good amongst all the bad! Love is but one of many life's experiences! And life is hard. Ugly things can happen... that can overshadow the simple fact of being alive and part of this earth that we all share.

Believe me, I am more than aware that the word love brings many risks with it! Risk of betrayal, of getting hurt, of losing love. Way too many times, I've heard people tell me: It's gonna be all right in the end! Or, don't you worry, time heals all wounds! But some wounds are deep enough that they leave a mark! Sometimes right in the middle of our foreheads, where everyone can see, point, even judge! And those, trust me, those scars last forever!

So you can see, love is a complicated feeling! It can mean the world to some, while it can mean the end of all hope to others! Just like any other profitable investment, we have to risk BIG to even be able to really experience love, let alone receive it back! If love has taught me anything at all, it's that facing all these fears only makes you stronger in the end. As cheesy as that sounds! And that, in and of itself is worth all the hardships!

What does love mean to you?
"I wish my love was as light as a feather"


One step at a time...

Everything in life should be one step at a time. When you take the time to pace yourself, you realize that you are not a super hero! We're humans and we make mistakes! But if we are patient enough, those mistakes will be less catastrophic!

Most people want things now! Time is money, right?! So I can understand how this could influence some people. As humans, we want to see the end result of our work as soon as possible. An instant gratification! I think that everything is possible! However, when you are able to properly analyze a situation because you took the time to organize and examine it before jumping in... In my opinion, you will be more efficient, more effective and more productive than if you were only thinking to get to the end result!

And I believe this is true for everything! Take love for instance. A normal person may start dating during their teens. He/she shouldn't expect to find love immediately! It takes lots of trial & error to find the right person. In fact, some people like to think that it has to do with time. The right person comes along when you are ready for them. In my case, the right person came along when I wasn't ready. My "right guy" needed loads of patience to be able to stay in the relationship while I found myself! Either way, it doesn't matter how exactly you may look at a situation. If you want it done right, you need patience...one step at a time, my friends!

On the other hand, take the economy now! I call it the never ending vicious cycle! It grows, reaches its peak and eventually falls back. Our recession won't go away magically! One step at a time! Obviously, lots of factor are involved: the government should probably start fueling the economy properly. Instead of taking away our jobs and money, they should be doing the exact opposite! How about playing a little with the demand/offer curves? As prices go down, the demand will grow and the economy starts to get better. Simple concept: increase the money supply, lower the interest rates!

If we try hard enough, anything can be controlled! And how could we possibly control everything? Because everything is mental! Think about it for a second! We create almost everything we know! We created math, science, fiction, the economy, we created money! Most of it are just tools used to control our society! Surely there is a way we can use this to our advantage. Moderation and patience are key! 

Ok this is where starts to get crazy: Let's create a loophole, where next time around we focus more on living a happy life and less on controlling the human race. Some may argue such control is a necessary control. I disagree! If it's so necessary, how come we are having so many problems. Nothing is perfect! Everything can be "hacked"!

How about investing more in our children's education? After all, they are our world's future. If we have screwed up so much, the least we can do is help our children! Isn't that what adults work so hard for? Someday our children will have to do the same. Give them the chance of being able to change a world that is not ruined beyond repair!

Sometimes things have to get really bad before they can start to get better. Or else, how would we appreciate them when they are right? And for them to get better, we have to be patient! Never give up on anything, because the more you want something, the more you'll accomplish. Especially if you work... one step at a time...


The end

This blog post might seem a little bizarre, and if you are a scaredy-cat, I advise you not to read it! I don't mind... Nevertheless, I will continue with the blog writing! Well...In an unsuccessful attempt to fall asleep, I started thinking about something that is completely counterproductive to my last blog. (Which I wrote just a couple hours ago!) For reference, my last blog is about insomnia! There is no way I am going to sleep now!

I started thinking about how high today's crime rates are... and one thing led to another! I must add that when it comes to sleeping, it is very hard for me to initiate the whole..ehhh process? And with what I'm about to tell you, there is absolutely no way I will be able to go to sleep...in a while! Did I mention that I have to wake up at seven in the morning? It's 2:37 a.m.

Well, continuing: wouldn't it be awful to all of a sudden be taken away from the one thing you want to accomplish in life? What is your purpose in life? What are you supposed to be doing? Are you already in your rightful path? What if that all came to an end?

In this world we live in today, where people kill for no apparent reason, how would you feel if you were suddenly killed tomorrow? Or, to make things less horrifying, what if today was in deed the end of the world? I'm not sure which is worse but, have you accomplished your one purpose in life? Do you even know what that purpose is?

I haven't accomplished mine yet! If I was killed tomorrow or if the world suddenly ended, I would be devastated. There is so much I still want to do! Humans spend so much time studying... in high school, then college, then after that working, and then we die! Was life meant to be this complicated? I wish it was more simple! Life is short and I want to enjoy every minute of it.

I am super happy right now, and I believe that I am approaching my rightful path, but there is so much I sill want to do. I want to get married someday, have kids, be able to raise them. It all sounds surreal now but nevertheless it's what I hope for. I want to have a successful career and make a difference in this world! Doesn't everyone? If something, or someone was to take that away from me... it would be very sad!

When someone is killed, I usually only think about how horrible it must be for the person's family? But what about that person? Did they get to do everything they wanted? I'm guessing most times the answer is no. And that is just not fair! I would love to think that we live in a world were crime didn't exist, nor did money! Can we eat money? No!

I guess each one of us, as imperfect humans, we have fears and we have dreams. We can only hope that our fears don't turn into realities and that someday, maybe soon, all those dream will finally come true! You know what?! I really hope that tea I drank a couple hours ago didn't do this to me! I will try to find my sleep again but I am definitely weird-ed out right now. Good night!

Did you say, insomnia?

How terrible is it to be lying in bed for an hour, two hours? Without being able to fall asleep! It happens to me a lot more than I would like! Do you also experience difficulty sleeping?

Well, I have been on an ongoing search in my attempt to find a solution for this annoying habit of mine?! I thought: "perhaps... just maybe, could it be mental?  Am I unconsciously injecting this idea in my brain or is this a real problem that I should be worried about? Do I really suffer from insomnia?"

Insomnia is characterized by the persistent difficulty in falling asleep and/or staying asleep. It is also typically followed by a  functional impairment while awake. Another definition of insomnia is "difficulties initiating and/or maintaining sleep, or non-restorative sleep, associated with impairments of daytime functioning or marked distress for more than 1 month." My problem is definitely with initiating a healthy sleeping routine. It takes me a while before I can actually fall asleep. And this has been happening to me since way longer than just a month! I wonder if I am doing something wrong? Could it be depression? I don't think so... Maybe it could be related to my current stressful life including my abnormal studying habits! I study every day for hours and hours on end! Either way, I must find an effective yet easy solution, soon!

Well, I have just recently been informed that there are several natural teas sold pretty much at any grocery store that might help. You drink it before going to sleep and supposedly it relieves anxiety, insomnia and improves circulation! I am drinking mine right now for the very first time. I want to know if in fact they do work! If so, I am going to be a very happy camper. And so far I am feeling a little bit sleepy but not enough to actually got to sleep! I bought two different kinds: GoodNite and Sleepytime. I hope they work!

I will keep you posted! :)

It is now 2:44 am, I am still not sleeping and to be honest, I am no happy camper!! Quite the opposite. (Read my next blog, 'The end', if you want to know why) I will try this again tomorrow, but so far: I'm unsatisfied!

I tried the tea one last time and had the same results! Couldn't sleep until 4am! I was also very pessimistic about everything that I was thinking! It could be a coincidence... but just in case, I will skip on drinking this tea for now! For reference, I tried the Goodnite tea. I might still try the other brand (Sleepytime), since it was the one that was originally recommended to me! I didn't initially try that one first because Goonite only has 10 packets vs 20 packet that Sleepytime offers. I figured I'd finish that one first anyways so might as well start with that one, the Goodnite. Ohh and, I MUST add, it has an awful smell!!! Disgusting...! When you drink it, it's not as bad, but the smell is over barring!  I might try Sleepytime tonight and I will let you know if it's any good!


"I wonder what everyone is doing, let me check my FB.... and I'm also going to post something, right now..!" Ten minutes later: "Hmm.... I wonder if anyone has commented? Let me check....! Nooo, not yet... :'( "

It's astonishing how almost everyone I know is obsessed with Facebook! It is very entertaining, at least for me, to be on here every single day! (Yes, as I am typing this blog, I am in deed checking my Facebook) And sure, there are still people out there who refuse to join the bandwagon. I know of a few myself. They are truthfully just uninterested "free-spirit" people, who in my opinion are... missing out! And yes, it can be very time consuming and even addictive/unhealthy to have a Facebook account. And don't even get me started on the games and applications! But to me, it's totally worth it! Keep reading and find out why!

I usually enjoy looking at pictures and posting new statuses just to see how people will respond! I know! A little weird...  But I am willing to bet millions to the fact that most people are like this. Anything happens and instead of fully reacting to it, most people are posting it on Facebook! "Ohh no, did the earth move again?! I'm scared....I must get under my door frame!! But first, let me just quickly update my status!''

It was obviously one of man kind's most genius inventions! No wonder the guy is loaded! One of today's youngest billionaires is it?! And there are so many reasons why anyone could be in love with Facebook. And I mean anyone! From young kids to much more older adults. Both my mom and grandmother have their own Facebook accounts!

However, my favorite part about Facebook is not the gossip. (That's what I watch E!news for.) It is not the picture hopping either! It has nothing to do with meeting guys, or making friends. It actually has to do with getting to re-unite with really old friends and family members that I am unable to see everday! Either because they don't currently form part of my life or they are too busy or too far away to even try to! Without Facebook, I would be unable to know about my cousins in New York. Or even my uncle whom I haven't seen since...forever! With our busy lives today, it is next to impossible to make decent plans with someone and actually go through with them!

Another thing that Facebook does, is that it gets me into thinking! I wonder what will be our next huge invention... What will be so cool that will top off Facebook addictions? It's gonna be very hard, but how amazing would it be to actually come up with something that could be so life changing as Facebook has been?! I hope I live to see technology grow and become something that I know will blow my mind away!